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Режим LuxCore API в LuxBlend даёт доступ к новому LuxCore API и его новым функциям (проходы, интерактивная визуализация и пр.). Рекомендуется использовать всегда свежую версию LuxRender.

В зависимости от выбранного движка визуализации некоторые настройки могут выглядеть по-разному. Стоит также принять во внимание, что LuxCore API и режим LuxCore для LuxBlend находятся в разработке. Если у Вас возникли проблемы при работе с LuxBlend или есть идеи по его улучшению, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом разработчикам на форуме.

Новые возможности в режиме LuxCore

  • Визуализация в окне просмотра в Blender.
  • Проходы .
  • LuxCore imagepipeline , new easy to use "Linear" tonemapper
  • Улучшена интеграция с Blender (статистика, прогресс, подсветка плиток во время визуализации).
  • Доступ ко всем нативным возможностям LuxCore:
    • Приоритет сред
    • Свечение среды
    • Material IDs
    • Настройка сэмплов для материалов
    • Настройки Biaspath
    • Arbitrary clipping plane
    • Подавление свечения во всех path engines для устранения «светлячков».
    • Экспериментальный движок BidirVCM для обработки сложных путей лучшей (например, каустика в зеркале)
  • Ускорение экспорта меша (примерно в 16 раз).
  • Световые группы как проходы визуализации.
  • Pointiness (В LuxBlend реализовано как текстура)
  • Плоскость произвольного отсечения.
  • Ускорен предпросмотр материалов и текстур (используя новый движок BiasedPath).

Пропущенные возможности


  • Узловой редактор материалов
  • Периодическое сохранение PNG и FLM-файлов
  • Экспорт огня и дыма


  • Сохранение/продолжение процесса визуализации
  • Сетевая визуализация
  • Порталы

Подсказки и трюки

  • Версия 1.4:
    • Может так сложиться, что визуализация на GPU может оказаться эффективнее, чем на GPU + CPU.
    • Если используется Biased Path, то рекомендуется делать большие плитки, например, 128, а также много сэмплов на проход, например, 7 AA.
  • Версия 1.5:
    • Трюки для версии 1.4 не подходят для 1.5, можно комбинировать CPU и GPU, а также использовать небольшую плитку, LuxCore сам решит, как оптимизировать работу для максимальной производительности.
    • В настоящее время только Path OpenCL использует новые микро-ядра . Если возникает «Kernel Compilation Error» при попытке визуализации сцены с Biased Path OpenCL на AMD GPU, то попробуйте вместо него использовать Path OpenCL.
  • Все версии:
    • Using a smaller filter size (in advanced engine settings) will make the image appear sharper. The "None" filter is the sharpest (simply because there's no filter applied). In most cases, you will want to use the default filter settings though, as they smooth out noise and make the image look more realistic
    • Визуализация на GPU быстрее, когда используется фильтр «None».
    • If you are getting "Kernel Compilation Error" even with the latest drivers and LuxRender version, the problem may be a material the AMD compiler is unable to handle. Try rendering the scene in "Material Override" mode (in export settings in render tab) with all options ticked. Sometimes the cause is a mix material, e.g. it may work to mix null with matte, but crash when mixing null with glass. This can vary from scene to scene.

Поддерживаемые GPU

Список поддерживаемых GPU для OpenCL-визуализации можно посмотреть здесь .

Обновление LuxBlend

При использовании LuxCore API рекомендуется регулярно обновлять LuxBlend. LuxBlend можно обновить в настройках Blender (Ctrl+Alt+U):


Переключение на LuxCore API

Для переключения на «LuxRender API» нужно в выпадающем списке сменить «Classic»" на «LuxCore». После этого некоторые панели, которые не используются в LuxCore, скроются и появятся новые, назначение которых описано ниже.
Settings regarding materials, lights etc. are shared between the two modes, while rendersettings and tonemapping settings are not shared.
You can switch between Classic and LuxCore anytime and as often as you like in a project, there are no settings lost.

01 switch 2.PNG

Интерактивная визуализация

Blender viewport render.jpg

Поддерживается визуализация в окне просмотра, но эта функция до сих пор является экспериментальной, рекомендуется сохранять проект почаще при ей использовании. 

Настройки визуализации

03 render settings.PNG

Более детально процесс визуализации в LuxRender и способы оптимизации описаны в разделе Настройки визуализации LuxRender.

  • Final Device: Switch between CPU-only and OpenCL rendering for the final render.

OpenCL mode is available when Path or Biased Path engines are used, Bidir and BidirVM only support CPU rendering.

  • Preview Device: Switch between CPU-only and OpenCL rendering for the viewport render.

Note: when the engine is set to Biased Path, the Path engine will be used for the viewport render because the tile-rendering nature of Biased Path makes it unsuitable for realtime rendering.

  • Engine:
    • Bidir (CPU): bidirectional pathtracer, recommended for scenes with complex lighting
    • Biased Path (CPU/OpenCL): pathtracer allowing fine control over the sampling process. Renders the image in tiles and uses a special, fixed stratified sampler. Only engine to support all passes
    • Path (CPU/OpenCL): pathtracer, recommended for scenes with simple lighting
    • BidirVCM (CPU): experimental bidirectional pathtracer with vertex merging
  • Max. Depth: maximum recursion depth/bounces for a ray.
  • Clamping: pixels brighter than this value will be clamped. This can be used to prevent/reduce fireflies. Setting this value too low will result in a grey, washed-out image.
    • To find a good clamp value, render with disabled clamping (set to 0.0), then switch the image slot in the image editor, set a clamp value of e.g. 1.0 and render again, then compare the two rendered images. If the image has not changed, reduce the clamp value. If the image has changed, the optimal clamp value is probably a bit higher than the current one.
  • Sampler:
    • Metropolis: recommended for scenes with difficult lighting or materials, e.g. indoor or caustics
    • Sobol: recommended for scenes with simple lighting, e.g. outdoors (full sunlight or HDRI), studio setups
  • Filter (advanced):
    • Blackman-Harris: default
    • Mitchell: can produce black ringing artifacts around bright pixels
    • Mitchell_SS: similar to Mitchell
    • Box: blocky result
    • Gaussian: more blurry than other filters
    • None: don't use a filter, fastest setting when rendering on the GPU
  • Halt Conditions: stop the rendering when one of the conditions is met.

The checkboxes enable/disable conditions for the final render only, preview conditions are always enabled.

Compute Settings

04 compute settings.PNG

  • Update OpenCL device list: auto-detect available OpenCL devices. LuxRender will use all selected devices. Only visible when a OpenCL rendering engine is used.
  • Threads count: Set the amount of threads to use for CPU rendering. 0 means auto-detect (uses all available cores). Only visible when a CPU rendering engine is used.
  • Tile size (BiasPath only): Tile size in pixels. Using a small tile size when rendering on the GPU can lead to bad performance. Larger tile sizes use more memory.
  • Tile Highlighting (BiasPath only): mark tiles with a color depending on their state:
    • Converged (green): finished tiles (noise level below threshold)
    • Unconverged (red): unfinished tiles (noise level above threshold)
    • Pending (yellow): currently rendered tiles

Проходы (AOVs)

На странице Проходы более подробно описано, какие виды проходов поддерживаются в LuxRender и для чего они служат. Note that only the Biased Path and Path engines support the advanced passes, the Bidir and BidirVM engines only support the alpha and RGB passes.

Here you can choose which passes LuxRender should generate in addition to the rendered image.
Note that the use of passes can slow down the rendering a bit, also it takes time to import them into Blender when the rendering is finished.

  • Enable: enable/disable AOV output (useful for testrendering)
  • Save: save passes to disk after rendering (uses the output path set in the render panel)
  • Normalize: tonemap HDR passes into 0..1 range

05 aovs.PNG

After rendering has finished or was cancelled, LuxBlend will import the passes into Blender, creating an image for each.
These images can for example be used in compositing via the "image input" node. LuxBlend automatically replaces the images when you render again.

08 import passes.png

Imagepipeline Settings

These settings are found in the camera panel when the camera is selected:

09 camera.PNG

This panel allows to manipulate the LuxCore imagepipeline.

  • Input Pass (advanced setting): specifies which pass to use as "starting point" for the pipeline. All following operations will be performed on this pass and the result will be the "Render Result" displayed in Blender.
  • Tonemapper: For details on tonemapping see this page. Only some of LuxRenders tonemappers are supported by LuxCore:
    • Linear (Auto): autolinear tonemapper, adapts to image brightness
    • Linear: non-adaptive linear tonemapper, parameter: brightness (a scale value)
    • Linear (Camera Settings): uses the camera settings (ISO, f-stop and shutter time) as parameters
    • Reinhard: non-linear tonemapper, see tonemapping for a description of the parameters
  • Analog Film Simulation: was called "Film Response Function" in Classic API and does exactly the same (emulates an analogue film)
  • Preview Interval: time between update in Blender's image editor while rendering (seconds)

Imagepipeline screenshot 2.png

Настройки материалов

These settings are found in the material panel:

10 material.PNG

06 material.PNG

  • Material ID: ID used in all MATERIAL_ID passes. Multiple materials can have the same ID (will have the same color in the MATERIAL_ID pass)
  • MATERIAL_ID_MASK pass: render a MATERIAL_ID_MASK pass containing a black/white mask for this material (and all materials with the same ID). The Material ID must not be -1
  • BY_MATERIAL_ID pass: render a BY_MATERIAL_ID pass for this material (and all materials with the same ID). The Material ID must not be -1

Особенности настройки Biased Path:

  • Samples: Set number of samples to render for this material per pass (-1 = use default of this material type (diffuse, glossy, specular) in the engine settings). The actual number of samples is this value squared
  • Emission Samples: the number of shadow rays traced by BIASPATH (all other modes trace always only 1 shadow ray)
  • Diffuse indirect: Material visibility for indirect rays from diffuse materials
  • Glossy indirect: Material visibility for indirect rays from glossy materials
  • Specular indirect: Material visibility for indirect rays from specular materials
    • Material types (mix materials have all types of the materials they contain):
      • Diffuse: matte
      • Glossy: glossy, metal
      • Specular: glass, mirror

Volume Settings


  • Volume Priority: volumes with higher priority replace volumes with lower priority if there is an overlap. Example: [2]
  • Multiscattering: compute multiple scattering events in this volume. Recommended for volumes with high scattering scale (above around 10 or 20) because it looks more realistic. Usually increases noise.
  • Light Emitter: Enable light emission for this volume.

Arbitrary Clipping Plane

Arbitrary clipping plane.jpg

This feature is available in the camera settings. Click "Use Arbitrary Clipping Plane" and select the desired clipping plane object from the dropdown menu that appears.
Only the object rotation and position are used, so it is best to use a standard plane object and only edit it in object mode.
You can scale it any way you want to have a good preview of what will be clipped.

Export Settings

Export settings.png

  • Export Particles: global switch to enable/disable export of all particle systems
  • Export Hair: global switch to enable/disable export of all hair systems
  • Override Materials (Clay Render): replace all materials with a white matte material
  • Only Export Files: export meshes, textures and the renderconfig (scn/cfg) to the output path. Useful if you want to test SLG/LuxVR


  • Print Config in Terminal: option for developers. Print the generated scn and cfg properties in terminal after export