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Shadow Catcher

Forum announcement
Wiki page

Shadow Catcher
Shadow Catcher

Variance Clamping

Variance clamping is an evolution of old radiance clamping and helps to prevent fireflies while preserving the colors of highlights much better.

Forum announcement

Variance Clamping
Variance Clamping

Sky Ground Color Options

The sky lightsource supports two additional properties:

  • Ground albedo (the brightness of the ground)
  • A custom ground color for the lower half of the sky

Forum thread

Sky Ground Color Options
Sky Ground Color Options

HSV Texture

A new texture for hue/saturation/value manipulation was added.

Forum announcement

HSV Texture
HSV Texture

BACKGROUND_IMG Imagepipeline Plugin

Forum announcement

BACKGROUND_IMG Imagepipeline Plugin
BACKGROUND_IMG Imagepipeline Plugin


  • New, improved image map node (shows thumbnails, can select image from already loaded images in Blender or open a new one)
  • Renamed "Null" material node to "Transparent", can now use colored transparency
  • "Material Datablock" node to use any scene material in a nodetree (supports materials made in the "old" editor, too)
  • Use an OpenCL kernel optimized for live editing in the viewport (reduced number of kernel recompilations)
  • Ability to export to the new LuxCoreUI right out of Blender
  • Support for pausing/resuming of final renders

LuxCore Node Support

LuxBlend now supports node materials in LuxCore mode.
A new volume node editor was added as well and most nodes were reworked to provide a faster and more intuitive workflow.

LuxCore Node Support
LuxCore Node Support

New Light Groups Interface

The light groups interface was reworked and is now capable of live-editing during the final render.


New Light Groups Interface
New Light Groups Interface

Live-Editing of the Imagepipeline

The image pipeline can now be edited during the final render, making it possible to adjust the brightness, input pass and other parameters.


Live-Editing of the Imagepipeline
Live-Editing of the Imagepipeline

Transparent Film

A convenience function was added to import the RGBA_TONEMAPPED pass directly into Blender as the render result.

Transparent Film
Transparent Film

Cycles Scene Converter

Реализован простой конвертер материалов и источников света из Cycles в LuxRender.

Cycles Scene Converter
Слева: сконвертированные материалы LuxRender, справа: оригинальная сцена с материалами для Cycles